Clarivate named 23 world-class researchers from institutions in five countries as Citation Laureates on September 19, 2023, in London, U.K. These are researchers whose work is deemed to be of Nobel class, as demonstrated by analysis carried out by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) at Clarivate.
This year's Citation Laureates have made significant contributions across a diverse range of fields, including cancer treatment, human microbiomes, synthetic gene circuits, spintronics, designer molecular structures, sleep/wake cycles, wealth inequality and urban economics.
Sixteen of the honorees are based at leading academic institutions in the United States, two each are based in Japan, the United Kingdom and France, and one is based in Germany.
Since 2002, analysts at the Institute for Scientific Information have drawn on publication and citation data from its index of trusted journals to identify potential Nobel Prize winners in the areas of Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry and Economics.
Experts at the ISI have identified 71 Citation Laureates prior to their Nobel Prize success – often years before they were recognized in Stockholm since then.
—— the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) at Clarivate